
Friday, August 8, 2014

Farm Fact Friday ~ Boy or Girl ~ Pigs

Alright! We are breezing right on through the naming of species! Today's topic: pigs. In case anyone was wondering, pigs are termed: porcine. Easy enough.

So, pigs aren't like other farm animals, in fact, they're the most different of all. Most animals, like cows and horses, will typically have 1 baby. Pigs, however, will have litters, like dogs or cats. Pigs can have anywhere from 2-14 babies at a time!

When they're born, pigs are called: piglets. AKA the cutest animal on the planet.

The piglets that are girls are referred to as: gilts. She will remain a gilt until she "farrows" (or delivers) her first litter.

When the female has her first litter, she will change from being a "gilt" to a "sow".

Now as for the boys. When they are born, all boys are called "boars".

They will remain a "boar" all their life.

Most boar pigs, however, are castrated and used for pork products. When they are castrated, they are then called: barrows.

And that is all for the pig name calling :)

We are almost done with our naming segment. Next week is horses, then we are finished! If you have any questions or want to know more information about an area of agriculture, comment below!

1 comment:

  1. I beg to differ, lambs are the cutest animals that God created!
